Barnburgh Surgery to join The New Surgery

Posted by: charlottefagan - Posted on:

Barnburgh Surgery are planning to officially merge with The New Surgery Mexborough, after working closely together for more than 7 years.  We are confident that becoming one practice will improve access to services and the patient experience.

The aim of joining the practices is to provide patients from both practices with a seamless service.  We can only see this as a positive step while ensuring Barnburgh Surgery has a secure future in the village.

We passionately believe the key patient principles and benefits to the joining are:

  • Patients are at the heart of our journey: the merger provides positive benefits for patients at both practices and offers greater flexibility and increased scope for care.
  • Better overall experience of accessing services for patients from both practices. Greater location choice for patient appointments, ones living nearer alternate surgeries will have the benefit of improved access.
  • Access to a greater range of services for Barnburgh patients.
  • Provide financial security through economies of scale – reduce amount of duplication undertaken on everyday tasks.
  • Greater range of staff and skills available to all patients – e.g. sexual health services, female health, minor operations.
  • A larger primary care team working together means we are better placed to offer an improved service.
  • Delivering a greater range of clinical expertise and the merge will broaden the medical and surgical skill mix.  Ensuring services should be co-ordinated and delivered as close to home as possible. 

We welcome your opinion

There are a variety of ways you can do this:

  • Comments Box in Barnburgh Surgery Reception
  • We are holding ‘Drop in sessions’ at Barnburgh Surgery to answer any questions concerning the merge and help you understand the proposal. These are:
    • Wednesday 29th January between 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
    • Saturday 1st February  9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Pop along and meet the team – please let reception know if you will be attending either of the below sessions.

Please ring the surgery 01709 882032 or email us via