Our opening hours
Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm
Our surgery hours are usually as follows
Monday 8.30am – 11.30 pm and 1.00 – 3.30pm
Tuesday 9.00am – 12.10 pm and 1.30 – 3.30pm
Wednesday 9.20am – 11 am and 1.00 – 4 pm
Thursday 7.30am – 10.00 am and 1.00 – 4.00pm
Friday 9.00am – 12.10 am and 1.30 – 3.30pm
During this time a receptionist is available in the surgery and on the telephone. All surgeries are by appointment only.
Emergency Appointments
There are always some emergency appointments available morning and evening in the case of a genuine medical emergency.
If you cannot keep your appointment, let us know in good time so that someone else may use the appointment. A new text message service is now available to remind you of and confirm your appointments.
Telephone Consultation
If you feel you do not require a face to face appointment, please ask for a telephone consultation. These are readily available on a day to day basis to improve access and convenience.
Patient Triage
We now offer an online triage system, you can contact us online using the submit a new request button below:
(Please Note: This service will only show below during open surgery hours)
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Home Visits
If you require a home visit please telephone the surgery as soon as you can, where possible, before 11 am.
Please only ask for a home visit if you are too ill to attend surgery. Our aim is for the Doctor to visit within four hours of the end of surgery. The PSA will ask you about your illness in order to help the doctor determine priorities.
We will answer your calls as quickly as possible. Should you need, you can speak personally to a doctor by phoning and speaking to the PSA’s who will place you on a telephone triage system for the Doctor to ring you back between the hours of 12.30-1.30 and 5.30-6pm Monday to Friday.
Out of Hours
Outside of normal opening times please telephone the surgery and you will be transferred directly to the out of hours Doctors
The surgery endorses the out-of-hours service and would expect patients to access those services whilst routine primary care is unavailable rather than attending A&E. This out of hours service is commissioned by DCCG
Extended Access

There are also appointments available for us to book at various Extended Access Hub Sites around Doncaster, which offer early morning, evening and also weekend appointments. Ask the receptionist for further information.
Online Appointment System
Patient Access
The surgery provides 24 hour a day, 7 days a week access to appointment booking for your convenience.
Please remember to add a reason for your attendance, this will ensure that you are treated by the appropriate clinician and ensure your care is not delayed. We can assure you your information will be treated with respect and that ALL staff members comply with NHS confidentiality rules, clinical or administration.
If you are new to on-line booking please contact reception to receive your security details.