Patient Participation Group

Are you interested in finding out more about Barnburgh Surgery?

Would you like to influence the development of local health services?

and team are keen to set up a patient participation group to enable us to work together to get the best for you as patients and us as care providers from the practice. 

So why not come along to discuss your ideas and hear about planned changes.

If you would like to be involved but cannot attend regular meetings we would also like to set up an electronic meeting via email forum.  

Initially we are asking for expressions of interest to enable us to arrange a suitable format.

If you are interested in taking part please give your name, contact details, preferred delivery method (email/meeting) and any suggestions you may have to help develop the group to the reception team.

You can also use the sign up form or feedback button on this website or email if you wish. barnburghsurgery@gp-c86606.nhs.ukĀ